AUSTRALIA: Cotton farmers did not kill the fish - it's time to hear the facts

AUSTRALIA: Cotton farmers did not kill the fish - it's time to hear the facts

By Adam Kay

The cotton industry is not responsible for the tragic fish deaths at Menindee, and we are here to stay. Having read the coverage of the issue over the past week, clearly many have a limited understanding of how water allocation works in Australia and how the cotton industry fits into that system. Allow me to provide the facts.

Contrary to what some point-scoring politicians will have you believe, the cotton industry is not the culprit. We welcome any investigations into the factors causing the devastating fish deaths. The results or findings will inform decision-makers on how to avoid such deaths in the future, so it’s important the terms of reference focus on preventing any reoccurrence in a manner that supports the environment, agriculture and other water users.

The fact of the matter is that water flows have been so low there has been no opportunity for irrigators to be allocated any additional water. How do water allocations work? Farmers buy water licences/entitlements and state governments allocate water annually to irrigators based on the amount of water available in the system. The licences gives growers access to a set amount of the total water allocated by authorities for farming, after water for the environment and critical human needs has been prioritised.

Farmers with a water licence can use the water they extract for whatever they like. It’s not a cotton license, it’s a water license.

Why is cotton grown in Australia? Cotton is a desert plant that is water-efficient and suits Australia’s climate. Cotton is the crop of choice as it gives growers the best return per megalitre of water. Cotton is an annual crop that is only grown when sufficient water is available. Banning cotton would not see any extra water returned to the environment, as farmers would simply use their allocated water to grow the next most profitable crop.

How is cotton impacted by drought? During a drought, the amount of water for farmers significantly drops, as allocations are reduced. The water available is prioritised for critical human needs and the environment first. If there’s no water available, there’s no irrigated cotton grown (unless farmers irrigate using water they stored when there was a high water allocation).

The Murray-Darling Basin is experiencing its seventh-driest year on record, according to the Bureau of Meteorology. This season, many irrigation valleys have not been allocated any water because of this drought. The crops currently planted are using water carried over from wetter years.

Let’s be very clear on this point regarding illegal behaviour and water theft: the cotton industry has zero tolerance of law-breaking. It believes offenders should face the full force of the law. If people are known to be doing the wrong thing, they should be reported to relevant state authorities, and those concerns should be thoroughly investigated.

The cotton industry is sick of being used as the scapegoat on issues around the Murray-Darling Basin. Facts matter.

Adam Kay is the CEO of Cotton Australia.

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