Bremen Cotton Market

Firm Prices

The week under report was shortened by the Easter Holidays. Mills enquiries concentrated on short-term available cotton, indicating demand still for the second quarter 2010. Cotton prices continued to increase and merchants could not cover their demand in the origins for replacement on a price level accepted by the buyers. Therefore, turnovers remained limited. Fine-count spinners, however, showed enduring brisk interest in the fine / extra-fine varieties. In this segment of the cotton market purchases were reported for the near term, but also for the 4th quarter 2010 and for the 1st quarter 2011 from the new crop.

In the Upland were traded: Central Asian and West African styles for prompt delivery and further in the 2nd quarter 2010, as well as Israel Acala.

From among the fine / extra-fine varieties turnovers were registered in Egyptian GIZA 70, 88, and 86 for prompt; US Pima for the 4th quarter 2010 and for the 1st quarter 2011; Israel Pima and ACALPI for prompt and for the 4th quarter 2010, as well as Sudan Barakat for prompt.

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