Crop Progress: Cotton Making Up Lost Time

Crop Progress: Cotton Making Up Lost Time

The 2021 U.S. cotton crop continues to make up lost time, according to the July 26 USDA Crop Progress numbers for cotton.

Cotton squaring is now reported in 79% of the crop – up 9 percentage points in the past week, but still about 5 points off the 5-year average for this week. Biggest percentage jumps came in Alabama (up 13 points), North Carolina (up 12 points), and South Carolina and Texas (both up 11 points).

Boll set is shown in 37% of the crop – up 14 percentage points but also 5 points off the 5-year average. Four states – Arizona, California, Missouri, and South Carolina – are tracking ahead of average, while 13 of the 15 cotton-producing states reported increases in boll set ranging from 10 to 25 percentage points.

Cotton condition remains steady with 61% of the crop rated good/excellent, 31% fair, and 8% poor/very poor.

Source: Cotton Grower
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