DTN Cotton Close: Edges Higher in Slow Trade

DTN Cotton Close: Edges Higher in Slow Trade

By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent 

The cotton market closed slightly higher as traders await the next Wuhan virus turn, as well as Tuesday’s USDA’s monthly supply-demand report. Regarding the virus, China’s national leadership contends it is gaining ground on it, but the international health community questions its stance.

On the supply-demand report, last month saw a decrease in the 2019 production by 200,000 bales, despite industry expectations were for a 500,000 to 700,000 bale reduction.

Now, some traders are anticipation the balance on the reduction to be seen in Tuesday’s data. If so, then domestic ending stocks ought to be lowered as well.

Traders will also be looking to this Saturday’s acres survey from the National Cotton Council. Traditionally, the convention ends with the publication of the membership’s cotton acres indication. A previous survey from Cotton Grower magazine indicated a 12% year-over-year cut to 2020 acres compared to 2019 seedings.

Spot March cotton’s options expired on Friday and the result of their effect on total open interest will be seen Tuesday. Soon, March cotton will enter its delivery. Thus, by Friday week, Feb. 21, all spot Cotton will have to be either fixed or rolled.

Monday, March cotton closed at 68.19 cents, up 0.44 cent, July ended at 69.54 cents, up 0.52 cent and December finished at 69.25 cents, up 0.39 cent. Monday’s estimated volume was 64,334 contracts traded.

Source: Agfax
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