First Bale of Cotton for 2022 Harvested Near Alamo, TX

First Bale of Cotton for 2022 Harvested Near Alamo, TX

For most cotton growers, early summer across the Cotton Belt often means weed, insect, and disease pressure. But in South Texas, it also means the coveted first bale of the season.

This year, Wesley Vanderpool of Alamo, TX, harvested the year’s first bale on June 23 with 1,989 lbs of cotton from Stoneville ST 4990B3XF. Vanderpool’s harvested bale was then ginned at Willacy Co-Op Gin in Sebastian, TX, by manager Chris Breedlove.

The bale will be auctioned off at the annual First Bale of Cotton Auction and Scholarship Fundraiser on September 15 in Harlingen, TX.

Information and photo provided by BASF.

Source: Cotton Grower
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