India's Andhra Pradesh investigates planting of Monsanto's unapproved GM cotton

India's Andhra Pradesh investigates planting of Monsanto's unapproved GM cotton

GUNTUR, India (Reuters) - One of India’s biggest cotton-growing states has formed a panel to investigate how 15 percent of the state’s cotton acreage has been planted with a non-approved genetically modified strain developed by Monsanto and may bring criminal charges.

 The three-member panel will investigate the usage of Monsanto’s Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex (RRF) in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and alert the federal government about any violation of the country’s environmental protection laws, according to a copy of the state government order dated Oct. 17 and reviewed by Reuters.

The order on Tuesday followed a similar order on Oct. 5 that was to inspect fields growing Bollgard II but that order was withdrawn on Friday with no explanation.

Source: Reuters
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