NCC Acreage Survey: 9.6 Million Acres of U.S. Cotton in 2025

NCC Acreage Survey: 9.6 Million Acres of U.S. Cotton in 2025

U.S. cotton producers intend to plant 9.6 million cotton acres this spring, down 14.5% from 2024, according to the National Cotton Council’s 44th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey.

Upland cotton intentions are 9.4 million acres, down 14.4% from 2024, while extra-long staple (ELS) intentions of 158,000 acres represent a 23.5% decline.

The detailed survey results were announced Feb. 16 during the 2025 National Cotton Council Annual Meeting.

“Planted acreage is just one of the factors that will determine supplies of cotton and cottonseed,” says Dr. Jody Campiche, NCC Vice President, Economics & Policy Analysis, when presenting the survey findings. “Ultimately, weather and agronomic conditions are among the factors that play a significant role in determining crop size.”

Based on ten-year average abandonment rates along with a few state-level adjustments, Cotton Belt harvested area totals 7.8 million acres for 2025. Using the five-year average yield for each state generates a projected cotton crop of 13.9 million bales (13.5 million upland bales and 392,000 ELS bales).

The NCC questionnaire, mailed in January to producers across the 17-state Cotton Belt, asked producers for the number of acres devoted to cotton and other crops in 2024 and the acres planned for the coming season. Survey responses were collected through the end of January.

“History has shown that U.S. farmers respond to relative prices when making planting decisions,” notes Campiche. “As compared to average futures prices during the first quarter of 2024, all commodity prices were lower during the survey period, but cotton had the largest decline. As a result, the price ratios of cotton to corn and soybeans were lower than in 2024. Based on historical price relationships, this would generally suggest a decline in cotton acreage.”

Southeast respondents indicate a 19.3% decline in cotton acreage to 1.9 million acres. In Alabama, the survey responses indicate a 10.5% decrease in cotton acreage. In Florida, respondents indicated 17.0% less cotton. Georgia growers expect to reduce acreage by 21.5% to 864,000 acres – the lowest level of Georgia cotton acreage since 1993, if realized. The survey also indicates a 26.9% decline in cotton acreage in North Carolina, 15.0% in South Carolina, and 8.8% in Virginia.

According to the Southeast survey responses, the expected decline in cotton acres is due to an anticipated increase in corn, soybeans, wheat, sorghum, and peanuts.

Mid-South growers intend to plant 1.8 million acres – a decline of 8.2% from the previous year. In Arkansas, acreage is expected to decline by 7.0%, while Louisiana growers expect to plant 12.7% less cotton. In Mississippi and Missouri, cotton acreage is expected to decline by 9.0% in each state, while Tennessee acreage is expected to decline by 6.1%.

Survey responses suggest an increase in corn, peanuts, and other crops. Growers in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri also expect to plant fewer soybeans, while Tennessee growers indicated an increase in soybean acreage.

Growers in the Southwest intend to plant 14.5% less cotton despite an anticipated 12.5% increase in cotton acres in Kansas at the expense of wheat and soybeans. Oklahoma producers expect to reduce cotton acreage by 5.0% and plant more corn, sorghum and other crops. Texas acreage is expected to decline by 15.8%. South Texas growers expect to plant more sorghum and other crops. In the Blacklands, growers intend to plant more corn, wheat and sorghum. West Texas growers reported an increase in wheat, sorghum, corn, peanuts, and other crops.

In the West, upland cotton acreage is expected to decline by 12.3%. Upland cotton acreage is expected to decline by 18.8% in Arizona and 40.8% in California, while New Mexico growers intend to plant 17.3% more upland cotton in 2025. According to the survey responses, the expected decline in upland cotton acres in the West is due to an increase in corn, wheat, and other crops.

ELS acreage is expected to decline by 23.5% in 2025 as water availability is impacting cotton acreage decisions for the year. Arizona growers expect to plant 2.6% more ELS cotton, while California growers expect to plant 27.6% less ELS cotton. New Mexico ELS cotton acreage is expected to decline by 20.0%, while Texas growers expect to plant 18.2% less ELS cotton.

Campiche notes that the projected acreage expectations are a snapshot of intentions based on market conditions at survey time with actual plantings influenced by changing market conditions and weather. Producers will continue to monitor changes in commodity prices and input costs before finalizing their 2025 acreage decisions.

Information from the National Cotton Council 

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