New cotton crop growing slower in many regions of Xinjiang amid unstable weather

New cotton crop growing slower in many regions of Xinjiang amid unstable weather

Currently, China new cotton crops are under growing stage, and the weather condition in Xinjiang is abnormal frequently this year, both in North and South Xinjiang, which damages some cotton crops. Some growers turn to plant other crops as the cotton re-planting is too late. The impact of weather on Chinese cotton crops is larger than last year. Below table shows the several times of bad weather this year since the planting of new cotton crops.

Weather condition
Involved regions
Apr 22-23
Most regions of North Xinjiang
May 12
Heavy wind blows away the mulch
Aksu and Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of South Xinjiang (Shaya, Yuli, Kuqa, etc.)
May 14
Aksu and Kashgar of South Xinjiang (Alaer, Wensu, Marabishi, etc.)
May 19-22
Cold air
North Xinjiang (Ili Prefecture, Tacheng, Altay, Urumqi, Changji, Hami, etc.)



The temperature in South Xinjiang was low throughout Apr, and it climbed up slightly till early May. In North Xinjiang, the temperature dropped sharply in late Apr, and the temperature trend was unstable. The forecast showed that there would be another cold air in North Xinjiang in late May.




As of early May, the precipitation in South Xinjiang was lower than the same period last year except in early Apr, and the precipitation in North Xinjiang was higher year on year in late Apr.




The average sunshine hours in South Xinjiang was similar to last year, but the average sunshine hours in North Xinjiang was significantly less than last year.


From the perspective of the growth development, new cotton crops in Kashgar and Turpan have entered the third leaf stage in early May, and crops in other regions were mainly in the seedling stage.  The weather was slightly dry in early May. For the growing period, except Aksu and Kashgar, the development was slower year on year in other regions. Nevertheless, some crops in Aksu and Kashgar need to be re-planted damaged by hail.


Conclusion: the temperature in South Xinjiang was lower in Apr compared with the same period of last year, and climbed up somewhat till earl May. In North Xinjiang, the temperature is not stable, and the weather forecast says that there will be cold air in late May. The new cotton crop growing development is slightly earlier year on year in Aksu and Kashgar, while that in other regions is slower year on year.

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