Thompson On Cotton: A Somber Start To Planting Season

Thompson On Cotton: A Somber Start To Planting Season

By Jeff Thompson, Autauga Quality Cotton Association 

I have written countless ag newsletters in my 40-plus year career, but never in such an uncertain, threatening environment as what we face today.

Normally as we prepare to put seed in the ground for another crop, it’s done with a sense of excitement and hopefulness. This spring, however, the entire world as we know it has changed as its in the grips of an uncontrolled global pandemic. Indefinitely forced from our daily routines, fear and frustration capture our emotions.

So, excuse me if I take literary license to stray from writing about cotton production and market commentary to instead share some personal thoughts in this time of despair.

Though the number of cases continues to escalate, with the worst yet to come, rest assured we will get through this. I’m confident in the belief that a higher power is in control. I trust everything happens for a reason according to God’s divine plan.

No, we don’t know why this viral plague was put before us. It’s not our place to know or even question it. But rather than be fearful, take comfort in the knowledge God will see us through this. We, as agriculture producers, know this better than most because we see his marvelous handiwork every day as stewards of the land.

My prayer is when we come out of this our lives will be shaped to love more, to be more attentive, to be more hopeful, and to be more generous. If so, the world then gains by becoming a better place.

In times like these, the first order is to draw on family and those we hold dear for strength and sustenance.

On a personal note, I’ve taken great pleasure in spending more time with my children, especially the young grandchildren in recent weeks.  Their often repeated question, “What’s that, Pops?” doesn’t sound near as redundant as it once did.

The smile and endearing look as they reach for your hand puts life in its truest perspective, unconditional love. This is the very same emotion our Maker has for each of us along with the promise to never forsake us in times of trouble.

I’ve always considered Choice Cotton producers and associates to be family, as well. Together, we’ve been through a lot over the years, although some of those events may pale in comparison to the threat we face today.

Nevertheless, we weathered those of the past as we will certainly champion this one.  An excellent remedy for fear and frustration is communication. The lack of communication often leads one to feel they are alone in this world.

As you prepare for another crop season, your Choice Cotton staff is dedicated to working with you through these difficult times.

We will use all means of communication, both print and social media, to provide you with information to cope with what lies ahead of us this coming growing season. No one is alone. We are in this together.

Peace be with you,
Jeff Thompson

Source: Agfax
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