US organic cotton planting highest since 2001

US GROWERS of organic cotton increased plantings of organic cotton acreage by 26 per cent in 2009 over that planted the previous year, according to preliminary data collected by the Organic Trade Association in a survey funded by Cotton Incorporated.

Analysis of available data collected by an OTA survey of US organic cotton producers and preliminary data from the Texas Organic Cotton Marketing Co-operative put planted area at 10,731 acres (4342 hectares) in 2009, up from an estimated 8539ac (3455ha) in 2008.

The 2009 plantings are the highest since 2001, when 11,586ac (4688ha) were planted by US cotton growers.

Harvested acreage figures for 2009 are not yet available. However, estimates show that this could be as much as 9555ac (3866ha), up from 7289ac (2949ha) harvested in 2008.

Harvested organic cotton area in 2008 yielded 7026 bales, of which 6466 bales were upland cotton and 560 bales were pima cotton.

This yield was significantly less than the 14,025 bales of organic cotton harvested from 8510ac (3443ha) in 2007.

These yield differences reflected the extremely difficult weather conditions, including wind, hail and drought, in 2008 in contrast to excellent growing conditions in 2007.

Other survey findings revealed that the average price per pound farmers received for organic cotton in 2008 decreased from the previous year and ranged from 52 cents to $1.35 for organic upland cotton in 2008, compared with $1 to $1.50 in 2007. Organic pima cotton prices ranged from $1.05 to $3 in 2007, compared with $1.75 in 2008.

When asked what their greatest barriers were to planting more cotton in 2010, growers cited finding a market for their cotton, finding a market that would pay value-added costs of organic products, production challenges such as weeds and insects, weed control, and labour costs.

Growers also cited competition from international organic cotton producers as well as the cost of transition to organic.

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