Medical services

Medical services

Medical examinations (check up) for the farmers participating in program "Certified Sustainable Fibermax"

Thrakika Ekkokkistiria conducts medical examinations (check-up) for the farmers that participate in the program titled "Certified Sustainable Fibermax (CSF)". The services are offered since 2019/20, within the framework for providing Medical Services to cotton farmers. 

Through the CSF program, participating cotton farmers are able to have a medical check-up with no cost

The check-up is conducted by doctors Dimitris Hadolias and Maria Agathokleous, both of them Occupational Health Physicians (Msc), with PhD in Medicine from the Democritus University of Thrace. The check-up for this year includes: 

  • Clinical examination 
  • Spirometry
  • Hearing test (audiometry) 
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
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