February 12, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Rallies From New Low to Marginal Gain
Mills priced a net 11,690 lots in the three remaining 2017-18 marketing year contract months. U.S. cotton industry leaders hailed passage of new cotton policy. (...)
February 12, 2018
Cleveland: Talking Curveballs, Credibility and Carryovers
February 12, 2018
Rose On Cotton: USDA’s Reports Feed The Bears And The Bulls This Week
February 9, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Finishes Higher on Huge Volume
U.S. export forecast reduced, based on lagging shipments and expectations for the second half of the marketing year. Only small changes made in the global (...)
February 8, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Ends on Small Old-Crop Losses on Big Volume
Strong U.S. weekly export sales expected. Pre-report estimates see an increase in U.S. exports in the USDA supply-demand forecasts and a cut in world ending (...)
February 7, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Settles Mixed as Old-Crop Deliveries Dip
February 6, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Slips to New Low for Move
February 5, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Registers 7.3% 2-Week Loss
Sharply lower U.S. stock indexes may have contributed to negative cotton sentiment. Mills priced or rolled 9,461 lots in March. U.S. upland loans outstanding declined (...)
February 5, 2018
Cleveland on Cotton: What Happens When Emotions Top Market Analysis?
By O.A. Cleveland, Consulting Economist, Cotton Experts
Slice it, dice it or spice it, crow has a certain taste that only the few who have (...)
February 5, 2018
Rose on Cotton: Potential Pricing Opportunities Still Exist