Tag: Africa

Tag: Africa

October 1, 2022
Burkina Faso's MY 2022-23 cotton production may rise by 16%: USDA
Cotton production in Burkina Faso in marketing year (MY) 2022-23 is projected to rise by 16 per cent to 1.15 million bales compared to the (...)
October 5, 2022
Kenya lifts ban on genetically modified crops in response to drought
November 6, 2022
Cameroon led cotton production in the Cemac in 2021 (over 73%)
October 15, 2022
Tiny parasite withers West Africa's cotton harvest outlook
DAKAR, Oct 14 (Reuters) - A tiny green grasshopper-shaped parasite has infested cotton crops across West Africa and slashed output forecasts for the 2022/23 season, (...)
May 10, 2023
Mali cotton output to recover pest-linked losses in 2023 season
BAMAKO, May 9 (Reuters) -Mali expects to produce 780,000 tonnes of cotton for the current 2023/24 season, the ministry of agriculture said, recovering from a lower (...)
July 21, 2022
Zimbabwe's Cottco Holdings projects 26% fall in cotton intake for 2022
December 3, 2022
Mali cuts cotton output forecast for 2022/23, plans new cotton mills
October 13, 2022
Parasite could cut Ivory Coast cotton output by up to 40% in 2022
ABIDJAN, Oct 12 (Reuters) - A parasite known as "jasside" could reduce Ivory Coast's cotton out by between 30% and 40% this year, the head (...)
February 4, 2023
Ivory Coast cotton output to fall 50% in 2022/23, says minister
ABIDJAN, Feb 3 (Reuters) - Ivory Coast's cotton output for the 2022/23 season is expected to fall by 50% to 269,000 tonnes due to parasites, (...)
February 1, 2023
Mali cuts cotton output forecast an additional 29% for 2022/23

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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