November 28, 2018
Blockchain technology changing food safety traceability
The idea of IBM Food Trust is to create transparency and traceability across the food supply chain.
John Hart
Blockchain technology is still in its (...)
April 18, 2019
March 26, 2019
«Γέφυρα» μεγάλων και μικρών αγροτών η Ευφυής Γεωργία
March 26, 2018
Louis Dreyfus Company sets a new standard in commodity trading industry
“The Easy Trading Connect (ETC) platform’s real-time nature will accelerate trading enormously – cutting days, or sometimes even weeks, out of transaction timelines. At the (...)
January 23, 2018
Louis Dreyfus Company, ING, Societe Generale and ABN Amro complete the first agricultural commodity trade through blockchain
Press releases
The enhanced Easy Trading Connect (ETC) blockchain prototype reduces time spent on processing documents and data from hours to minutes, and allows for (...)
August 28, 2019
Opportunities for Blockchain in the Fashion Industry
December 28, 2018
What The Denim Industry Needs To Support A Sustainable Supply Chain
October 24, 2018
Blazing a trail for organic cotton farming
An American decides to use blockchain technology to promote ‘ECOfashion’
Setting a trend, she has become an ambassador for eco-friendly textiles. Meet Marci Zaroff, who (...)
March 5, 2019
This Blockchain Startup Is Partnering With Fashion Giants To Make Organic Cotton Traceable
Alex Knapp Forbes Staff
Consumer demand is driving fashion outlets to use more organic cotton, pushing the commodity to a global market of over $15 (...)
April 17, 2019
Making Sense of Blockchain and What It Can Do for Agricultural Data