March 19, 2020
How large is the pressure to consume the cotton in 2019/20?
2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. The expectation of a weak market recovery is disrupted by a pandemic, and it is still accelerating (...)
August 16, 2020
Cotton demand rebounds in Pakistan as foreign orders increase
May 26, 2020
CAI revises downwards cotton estimates by 24.5 lakh bales to 330 lakh bales in Apr
April 21, 2020
China cotton consumption and stock assessment in Mar, 2020
In Mar, more downstream plants resume operation. Despite of export order cancellation in mid-Mar, plants have not curtail production or suspended operation immediately. Operating rate (...)
March 6, 2020
Global cotton stocks to drop 1% in 2019-20 season: ICAC
For the fifth season in a row, global cotton stocks are expected to decline in 2019-20, decreasing by 1 per cent to 18 million tonnes. (...)
March 4, 2021
ICAC: Higher Consumption and Lower Production Expected to Draw Down Ending Stocks in 2020/21
August 4, 2020
ICAC: COVID-19 Pandemic Expected to Weigh on Cotton Prices into 2020/21 Season
September 21, 2019
Demand, Trade and Economics Impacting Today’s Cotton Market
By Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar Demand, the ongoing trade war and global economics are all impacting the weak cotton market.About 80 people involved in different aspects of (...)
December 2, 2020
ICAC: Lower Production Expected to Ease Pressure on Prices in 2020/21
December 2020 Cotton This Month
August 13, 2020
Cotton Highlights from August WASDE Report