Tag: Ginning

Tag: Ginning

November 2, 2018
CHINA: How will ginners operate with lower cotton prices and bearish sentiment?
In North Xinjiang, new cotton profit margins are large, but sales are unsmooth, while in South Xinjiang and inland, some trading prices have been already (...)
December 2, 2021
Refining the robotic cotton harvester to do more
March 29, 2019
Upgrading cotton gins priority on government’s agenda: PM
October 11, 2017
Cotton Gin Trash Finds New Life In Power Production
Finding sustainable markets for gin trash, wood chips and other waste products could be viable in producing more electrical power for a growing global population, (...)
June 21, 2018
Arkansas Gin Numbers Rebounding as Cotton Acres Rise
By Mary Hightower The number of active cotton gins in Arkansas rose to 33 in 2017, paralleling an increase in cotton acres, according to statistics (...)
February 13, 2019
Finding Answers to Cotton’s Current Challenges
June 19, 2019
Arkansas cotton gin numbers lower in 2018
November 21, 2019
Upgrades increase gin's efficiency, reduce labor
Gin equipment upgrades have reduced labor and energy, and improved efficiency by 11 percent.
January 24, 2018
Australia's earliest cotton harvested in Queensland as Ord gears up for historic first crop
Βy Amy McCosker, Courtney Fowler Picking has begun in central Queensland in what is thought to be the earliest harvest of commercial-scale, irrigated cotton in (...)
August 28, 2022
Texas Panhandle, South Plains cotton crop: 'One for the record'

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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