Tag: Olam

Tag: Olam

December 5, 2017
Singapore's Olam spreads 'smart farming' in Asia and beyond
Agri-conglomerate uses transparency and innovation to lower risk of environmental scandals TOMOMI KIKUCHI, Nikkei staff writer An Olam employee, right, registers a cacao farmer on (...)
February 15, 2019
Το βαμβάκι της Θράκης στις αγορές του κόσμου μέσω Σιγκαπούρης
August 28, 2017
ΙΧΝΗΛΑΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ: Ένα ακόμα βήμα στο επώνυμο βαμβάκι
August 16, 2017
What is the point of agribusiness, if it doesn’t do good?
Companies must produce enough to feed the world while respecting natural boundaries To feed a world population expected to reach 9.7 billion, the amount of (...)
August 16, 2017
OLAM: Καινοτόμος πλατφόρμα για την ιχνηλασιμότητα και τον έλεγχο των προϊόντων
Με 47 αγροτικά προϊόντα από βαμβάκι, έως κακάο και καφέ και συνεργασία με πάνω από 100.000 αγρότες, κυρίως μικροκαλλιεργητές, από τα πιο απομακρυσμένα μέρη του (...)
January 10, 2018
Sunny Verghese appointed new WBCSD Chair
January 10, 2017
IBM's Blockchain Consortium With The Seam Deploys 'Hyperledger' For Cotton Trading
January 25, 2019
Singapore's Olam plans $1.6 bln in divestments; to sell rubber, fertiliser units
* To invest $3.5 bln in 12 prioritised businesses * To sell sugar, rubber, wood products, fertiliser units * Co says engaging financial advisors (Adds (...)
August 16, 2017
Why Maharashtra cotton ginners are eyeing Singapore market
A group of cotton ginners from Maharashtra will visit Singapore to explore possible deals for Indian cotton. By: Nanda Kasabe A group of cotton ginners (...)
March 15, 2019
Reaping the rewards from more inclusive cotton production in Côte d’Ivoire

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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