Tag: Pakistan

Tag: Pakistan

June 22, 2021
Boohoo to grow own cotton in Pakistan, first harvest next year
By: ShilpaSharma BRITISH online fashion retailer Boohoo will grow its own sustainable cotton in Pakistan amid growing concerns about the mass production of the raw material (...)
January 2, 2019
PAKISTAN: 'PM's cotton action plan eyeing 15m bales production'
November 11, 2019
INDIA: Cotton exporters hope to resume trade with Pakistan
January 28, 2020
Cotton yield in Pakistan touches record low
Islamabad, Jan 27 (IANS): The production of cotton in Pakistan has touched its lowest ever level, which is another indicator of the health of the (...)
August 20, 2020
PAKISTAN-Highest ever cotton import: nowhere in sight
The curtain has been lifted on FY21’s foreign trade opening act, and it appears that the import compression efforts are a thing of the past. (...)
November 2, 2019
Pakistani cotton prices push up by the lower output
April 21, 2021
Cotton Crisis Destroys Jobs Tied to Pakistan’s Biggest Cash Crop
August 16, 2020
Cotton demand rebounds in Pakistan as foreign orders increase
KARACHI: Cotton demand is fast rebounding after easing lockdown as textile companies are abuzz with reviving industrial activities to include Pakistan among the world’s top (...)
October 7, 2020
Triple threat imperils Pakistan’s cotton sector
Pest attack, climate change, low quality seeds put harvest growth at risk
August 11, 2020
PAKISTAN: Farmers shift away from cotton

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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