Tag: Robinson

Tag: Robinson

March 30, 2018
COTTON SPIN: The Great Weather Market of 2018
prices and weather may help move cotton planed acreage up. John Robinson USDA released their benchmark Prospective Plantings report showing intentions for 13.5 million acres (...)
December 28, 2018
Cotton Spin: The Santa Claus slump…
October 4, 2019
COTTON SPIN: Looking Ahead to Next Year
April 10, 2019
COTTON SPIN: Puzzling prospective plantings
USDA's planting prospective report unexpectedly low. John Robinson USDA’s benchmark Prospective Plantings report came in unexpectedly low at 13.8 million acres of U.S. cotton (i.e., (...)
November 19, 2018
Webinar: Cotton Market and Risk Management Outlook
The seminar highlighted the risks facing the cotton market going in to the 2019 cropping season. A combination of large planted acreage, adequate soil moisture, (...)
August 29, 2020
The Cotton Marketing Planner
December 11, 2017
COTTON SPIN: Will U.S. cotton exports keep the pace?
April 3, 2018
COTTON SPIN: The Great Weather Market of 2018
John Robinson: Prices and weather may help move cotton planted acreage up. USDA released their benchmark Prospective Plantings report showing intentions for 13.5 million acres (...)
January 28, 2019
What the shutdown teaches about marketing
Should you expand your poke salad acreage? John Robinson It is meeting season, and I am writing this article on a laptop in the Amarillo (...)
June 24, 2019
COTTON SPIN: Kicking the can down the muddy road

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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