June 4, 2019
Rethinking cotton for the common good
Marzia Lanfranchi, founder of the web docu-series Cotton Diaries, was working on sustainable cotton strategy for a midsize UK retailer when a customer’s tweet sent (...)
September 13, 2019
U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol moving forward
August 11, 2020
Biodiversity: The next frontier in sustainable fashion
June 5, 2019
ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΗΜΕΡΑ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ: Αξία έχει τι κάνει ο καθένας μας
Η ζημιά που κάναμε στον πλανήτη τα τελευταία 40 χρόνια είναι μεγαλύτερη από αυτήν που έγινε τα προηγούμενα 4,5 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια.
Τι κάνουν τα Θρακικά (...)
June 20, 2019
Gap Reduces Water Usage as Much as 99% in New Denim Dyeing Process
Jennifer Hermes
Τhe apparel industry is one of the largest and most intensive users of water, and producing denim, in particular, is a resource-intensive process (...)
July 23, 2019
All Party Parliamentary Group for Sustainable Clothing and Textiles Launched
April 25, 2019
Fashion Revolution launches 2019 Transparency Index
February 18, 2019
Cotton Egypt Association initiates sustainability drive
Cotton Egypt Association, as part of a renewed drive to increase product sustainability and improve conditions for the Egyptian Cotton supply chain workers, has partnered (...)
February 13, 2021
BASF launches e3 Sustainable Cotton Grower Fund
BASF recently launched the e3 Sustainable Cotton Grower Fund, a unique effort to provide additional economic support for cotton farmers in the e3 Sustainable Cotton (...)
April 8, 2019
Soil Health training to meet sustainable cotton demand