November 14, 2017
Σε «κεχριμπαρένιο κουτί» οι επιδοτήσεις βάμβακος
Γιουρουκέλη Μαρία
«Καίει» την Ελλάδα η συζήτηση στον Παγκόσµιο Οργανισµό Εµπορίου για µείωση ή κατάργηση των αγροτικών επιδοτήσεων που προκαλούν διαταραχές και στρεβλώσεις στο διεθνές (...)
August 20, 2018
WTO Reports World Textile and Apparel Trade in 2017
December 20, 2017
All Eyes Seem to Be on the African Cotton Sector as the Region Gets More Investment
November 15, 2018
India to dispute US’ claim of under-reporting cotton subsidies
In its latest counter to India’s subsidies, the US said: “India's notifications for the years at issue appear to dramatically under-report the value of India's (...)
December 15, 2017
Joint WTO-ITC Cotton Portal Launch
Remarks by DG Azevêdo
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon.
I am pleased to welcome you all to the launch of this joint WTO–ITC Cotton (...)
December 14, 2017
WTO and ITC launch Cotton Portal to enhance transparency and support development
October 10, 2019
African cotton 4 claim for more visibility and regulation in the global arena
December 15, 2017
NCC Thanks U.S. Trade Representative for Support of U.S. Cotton Producers
MEMPHIS, Tenn. – National Cotton Council (NCC) Chairman Ronnie Lee thanked the leadership of U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and the U.S. negotiating team for (...)
November 13, 2018
U.S. Says India Paid Far Bigger Cotton Subsidies Than Allowed by WTO
By Tom Miles
GENEVA, Nov 12 (Reuters) - India has paid out far more in cotton subsidies than the World Trade Organization allows, with payments (...)
November 29, 2018
India Rejects US Charge of Subsidising Cotton Beyond WTO Limits