Barchart: Cotton Bounce on the Midweek Session

Barchart: Cotton Bounce on the Midweek Session

Alan Brugler 

Cotton futures closed the Wednesday session with 20 to 38 point gains. The outside factors were helping, with crude oil (an analog for synthetic fibers) up $1.03 and the US dollar index down 107 points. 

The Seam saw online cash sales of 694 bales on July 9 at an average of 70.75 cents/lb. ICE certified cotton stocks were UNCH on July 9 at 53,790 bales. The Cotlook A Index was unchanged on July 9 at 81.50 cents/lb. The USDA Average World Price (AWP) was cut by 43 points last week to 57.80 cents/lb last week and is effective through tomorrow.

Dec 24 Cotton  closed at 70.93, up 38 points,

Mar 25 Cotton  closed at 72.73, up 32 points,

May 25 Cotton  closed at 74.12, up 29 points

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