AUSTRALIA: Cotton crop the smallest in 40 years
AUSTRALIA: Cotton crop the smallest in 40 years

AUSTRALIA: Cotton crop the smallest in 40 years

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But tough times forge innovative new generation of growers

Australia's cotton crop will be the smallest in 40 years after prolonged drought in New South Wales and Queensland.

A young farmer stands in a cotton field with his arms crossed.

Key points:

  • Australia's 2019/20 cotton crop is set to be the smallest in 40 years
  • Major growing regions still remain drought declared, but some growers are still producing high yielding crops
  • Despite the drought, a new generation of farmers are returning to family farms and want to challenge negative public perception of the cotton industry

It will compound the pain already being felt in surrounding regional economies, but the tough times are also forging a new generation of growers determined to change negative perceptions of the industry.

One of those lucky enough to have a crop this year is the Porter family on Queensland's Darling Downs.

"I vividly remember when we were planting, it was like trying to raise seedlings in a desert," Grant Porter, 34, said.

He helps run the farm on the fertile Cecil Plains, 200 kilometres west of Brisbane.

The region has been drought declared since 2014, and many nearby farms are planting less than half what they would in better seasons.

But what they are picking now is some of the highest yielding cotton they have ever grown.

"It's a good outcome from the grim start that we had," Mr Porter said

Down the road, Tyson Armitage, 26, was forced to plough in some of his crop as a harsh summer set in.

"It was probably the hardest start we've ever had to a season," he said.

Grower Tyson Armitage and agronomist Matthew Holding stand in paddock of cotton with a picker behind them.
For years agronomist Matthew Holding has been working with Tyson Armitage and his family at the Cecil Plains farm.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

Smallest crop in 40 years

Production across Australia's multi-billion dollar cotton industry always fluctuates with the supply of irrigation water.

At 12 per cent of the size it was two years ago, this year's crop is one of the worst.

"This year we'll pick something less than 600,000 bales, which will be the smallest crop we've had in about 40 years," Cotton Australia general manager Michael Murray said.

"I know just from talking to growers that if they don't have to spend something at the moment, they're not spending it."

Agronomist Matthew Holding stands in a cotton crop with a tractor behind him.
Toowoomba agronomist Matthew Holding isn't disheartened by the drought, he sees it as just another challenge they'll have to learn to deal with.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

Toowoomba agronomist Matthew Holding says it's not just farmers watching the weather closely.

"I've got carpenters in town, accountants in town, a lot of people are asking me what's going on on the land," he said.

An aerial photo of floodwaters spreading beyond the banks of Jandowae Creek.
Floodwaters filled the Condamine River catchments near Dalby during as summer rainfall finally returned in January and February 2020.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

During January and February this year, the sky over the Darling Downs finally opened, with hundreds of millimetres of rain falling.

It wasn't enough to break the drought, but it filled catchments and returned flows to the Condamine River catchment, which is part of the Murray Darlin Basin.

"Any decent rain out here means hundreds and millions of dollars for the region," Mr Holding said.

Highest yields ever produced

The rain came at the perfect time for the Armitage family — despite the hard season they are picking one of their best crops.

"We're hoping to average probably some of our highest yields ever for the farm," Mr Armitage said.

Both the Armitage and Porter families are averaging more than two bales of cotton per megalitre of water, which includes both rainfall and applied water.

A cotton picker ejects a bale of cotton out the back.
Picking cotton once required a large team of people. Now cotton pickers wrap and bale cotton, allowing picking to be done by just one or two people.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

Cotton was once known as crop that required a lot of water and a lot of insecticide, but the Porters and Armitages only irrigated and sprayed their crops twice.

They would have required more than double that 20 years ago.

"In the terrible days of insect resistance, farmers had no choice to survive and some years, to get through, to spray 16 to 18 times," Mr Holding said.

Since the 1990s the cotton industry has strived become more efficient, and according to industry figures, cotton grown today in Australia uses using 48 per cent less water, 97 per cent less insecticide and 34 per cent less land.

"There's a huge amount of science and engineering involved, and that's the innovation you need to overcome the drought," Mr Holding said.

An aerial shot of an irrigation dam dam with a vast patchwork of paddocks behind.
When the Porter family planted in October 2019, this dam was empty. They relied on groundwater to get their crop established.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

The varieties of cotton grown today have been genetically modified to resist insects and allow the crop to be sprayed for weeds without killing the plant.

"It's really freed growers from the day to day concern of having to worry about insect management," said Paul Grundy, principal scientist at Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

An aerial photo of a cotton picker working in crop.
This field of cotton on the the Armitage farm turned out to be a very high yielding crop, generating needed cashflow during the ongoing drought.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

Changing public perception

The perception that cotton is a water-hungry crop is one that Dr Grundy said needed to be put into perspective.

"Water use by cotton is very similar to the water used by other summer crops in our farming system, such as soy beans and maize," he said.

"The big difference with cotton is, in using that water cotton's producing a much higher value product, both as a fibre crop and as an oil seed."

Scientist Dr Paul Grundy picks a trial crop of cotton by hand.
Queensland scientist Dr Paul Grundy says modern cotton varieties use a similar amount of water as other summer crops. The difference is cotton is more valuable.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

Despite a series of high-profile cases involving irrigators being charged with illegally taking water, the industry says the majority do the right thing.

"Let me be very very clear, as an industry we have zero tolerance for illegal activity," Mr Murray said.

Changing long-term flows

Rory Treweeke runs Angledool Station, a sheep and cattle property just over the border in north-western NSW.

He said even with water buybacks and other reforms, irrigators had caused long-term changes to the flow of local river systems

"Basically it takes water away from the floodplain, particularly in low to medium level floods," Mr Treweeke said.

Angledool is on the Narran River in the north of the Murray Darling River basin and relies on floods to keep feed growing in the paddocks.

A large sign at Cubbie Station backlit by the setting sun in October, 2019.
Cubbie Station is the largest cotton farm in Australia, with nearly 20,000 hectares of irrigated cropping country.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

It is also downstream from a number of large irrigators, including Australia's largest cotton farm, Cubbie Station.

Mr Treweeke says the extraction of water has a detrimental effect on the farm.

"Along the Lower Bollon floodplain, the figures are about a 25 per cent drop in productivity," Mr Treweeke said.

He welcomes the new efficiency in the cotton industry, but says it's now up to regulators to do their job.

"The irrigation industry is necessary, I've got no problem with the irrigation industry, provided that governments make sure that only the proper amount of water is able to extracted from the rivers," Mr Treweeke said.

Cotton grower Tyson Armitage inside the cab, operating a cotton picker.
A qualified electrician, Tyson Armitage said after completing his apprenticeship it wasn't long before he was back on the farm.(ABC Southern Queensland: Nathan Morris)

The challenge for the new generation

Mr Holding says most of his clients are young people returning to family farms armed with tertiary qualifications and business nous.

"I think 80 to 90 per cent of the farmers that I'm working for have the new generation back on the land," he said.

It will be these young growers who will be taking on the challenge of making the industry sustainable and more efficient.

"The public opinion, especially of cotton at the moment, it's … probably daunting and scary, but I think the cotton industry really has so many good stories," Mr Armitage said.




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