COTTON SPIN: Cotton’s roller coaster ride…
COTTON SPIN: Cotton’s roller coaster ride…

COTTON SPIN: Cotton’s roller coaster ride…

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In the long run, the impact of Chinese tariffs may be more of a reshuffling of U.S. cotton exports, rather than a reduction
John Robinson 1

Last month I wrote a column entitled “New crop cotton futures in the 80s.”  As of this writing, that title is still accurate. But the intervening 30 days have been one wild ride!

ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) futures surged into the 90s, consolidated there, and then plunged back to the mid-80s (Figure 1, green line). There have been many apparent influences on the market, which is to say influences on the hedge fund speculators holding long cotton futures positions.

Source: Southwest Farmpress



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