Crop Progress: Final Push as Planting Windows End
Crop Progress: Final Push as Planting Windows End

Crop Progress: Final Push as Planting Windows End

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The USDA Crop Progress report dated June 13 showed that growers continued to make up for lost planting time in the past week. The report shows that 90% of the U.S. cotton crop is now planted – up 19% from a week ago and 1% above the 5-year average for mid-June.

In all, planting totals in 11 cotton producing states are ahead of their respective 5-year averages. The biggest percentage increases came from Texas (up 28%), Oklahoma (up 16%), and Louisiana (up 14%).

Squaring is now reported in 13% of the crop – just 3% behind average – with Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, and Tennessee all slightly ahead of schedule.

There was a shift in Crop Condition numbers this week, with 45% of the U.S. crop rated good/excellent, 46% fair, and only 9% rated poor/very poor. Recent weather issues bumped the poor ratings up in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas, while Texas saw an 11% positive swing back into fair to excellent territory.

Source: Cotton Grower



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