DTN Cotton Close: Lower in Muted Trade
DTN Cotton Close: Lower in Muted Trade

DTN Cotton Close: Lower in Muted Trade

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By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent 

The cotton market finished lower, fulfilling its turnaround Tuesday event. Earlier in the session, prices really took a tumble, but as the day wore on the market was able to pare a portion of those losses. With harvest beginning to unfold, and with little positive information on the U.S.-China trade front, the most obvious path of least resistance for the cotton market is sideways to down.

October cotton entered its delivery period post close yesterday, but there were zero notices issued for Tuesday.

The next major event for cotton will be Thursday’s weekly sales and exports data. The growing fear among traders is other countries may also cancel their earlier seasonal purchases, opting to possibly re-position themselves in this current lower trading environment.

Tuesday, December cotton closed at 60.40 cents, down 0.51 cent, March ended at 61.19 cents, off 0.49 cent and December 2020 finished at 63.59 cents, minus 0.40 cent. Tuesday’s estimated volume was 20,321 contracts traded.

Source: Agfax



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