DTN Cotton Close: Market Holds Weather Gains
DTN Cotton Close: Market Holds Weather Gains

DTN Cotton Close: Market Holds Weather Gains

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By Keith Brown, DTN Cotton Correspondent 

The cotton market closed higher Friday amid adverse weather conditions still gripping West Texas and now perhaps the Southeast. To the latter, some forecasts indicate triple-digit temperatures will prevail over South Georgia next week.

Such harsh conditions make it nearly impossible to plant but will categorically not allow already seeded fields to germinate. With the USDA having already lowered the domestic and global 2021 carryout on its May crop report, some traders think the stage is set for some sort of potential up move this summer.

Looking ahead to next week, on Monday USDA will update the planting progress of the 2021 crop. Also, weekly export sales will be issued next Thursday. As of now, sales for the current marketing season have reached 102% of USDA’s target.

Although West Texas did receive some rainfall according to the Drought Monitor, as issued by NOAA on Tuesday, indicating scant improvement in that region. Accordingly, traders are now expecting the Southeast to show pockets of hot and dry areas on this Tuesday’s NOAA update.

For the week, July cotton closed up 0.24 cent, for the month it is down 5.37 cents and for the year, July stands up 3.54 cents.

Friday, July cotton closed at 82.82 cents, up 1.29 cents, December settled 83.22 cents, up 1.23 cents and March 2022 ended at 82.97 cents, up 1.13 cents.

Source: Agfax



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