USA Crop Progress: Harvest Heats Up Across the Cotton Belt
USA Crop Progress: Harvest Heats Up Across the Cotton Belt

USA Crop Progress: Harvest Heats Up Across the Cotton Belt

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Progress is the word, as harvest activity continues to pick up across the Cotton Belt.

According to USDA’s Crop Progress report for the week ending Oct. 17, 28% of the U.S. crop has now been harvested – up 8 percentage points in the past week, but still 6 percentage points behind the 5-year average for the date. Harvest increases were led by Missouri (up 22 points), California (up 20 points), Louisiana (up 18 points), Arkansas (up 14 points), Tennessee (up 13 points), and Mississippi (up 11 points).

Open bolls are now reported in 86% of the U.S. crop, only 2 percentage points off the 5-year average. Seven states are currently at or above their respective averages.

Overall crop condition remains steady, with 64% of the cotton crop rated good/excellent, 31% fair, and 5% poor/very poor.

Source: Cotton Grower



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