USDA reports deltapine® cotton is the strong leader in cotton varieties
USDA reports deltapine® cotton is the strong leader in cotton varieties

USDA reports deltapine® cotton is the strong leader in cotton varieties

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Deltapine takes top spot in the Delta region with top performers like DP 1518 B2XF and DP 1522 B2XF.

The Deltapine® brand of Upland cottonseed, led by varieties featuring Bollgard II® XtendFlex® technology, was the most popular brand planted in the Delta region and throughout the United States, according to the recently released 2017 Cotton Varieties Planted report from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s Cotton and Tobacco Program.

Deltapine had the top-planted variety in the U.S. and placed three varieties in the top five varieties nationwide. The three varieties – DP 1646 B2XF, DP 1518 B2XF, and DP 1522 B2XF – accounted respectively for 14.77 percent, 4.65 percent and 4.38 percent of the U.S. Upland cotton acreage.

“The 2017 report confirms what we saw in the spring – tremendous interest in Deltapine® Bollgard II® XtendFlex® cotton varieties in this region and across the entire Cotton Belt,” said Keylon Gholston, Deltapine Products Manager. “These sales were driven by the high yield and outstanding fiber quality being produced by these strong cotton varieties, along with the ability to better manage hard-to-control weeds.”

A longtime leader in the Delta region because of its consistently high yield potential and quality, the Deltapine brand was planted on almost 62 percent of the cotton acreage in the region. DP 1518 B2XF was the top- planted cotton variety in the Delta region, with 24.33 percent of the acres. DP 1522 B2XF was second with 13.73 percent, and DP 1646 B2XF was third with 13.50 percent.

DP 1522 B2XF is a widely adapted, early- to mid-maturity variety with strong yield potential. DP 1518 B2XF is adapted to high-yield, short-season environments. DP 1646 B2XF is a mid- to full-season variety that developed a reputation for outstanding yields and quality in many areas of the Cotton Belt over the past two seasons.

The varieties caught growers’ attention during the 2016 harvest because of their performance, setting the stage for high demand heading into 2017, said Gholston. “Early harvest results from this year indicate that these varieties had another strong year. They’re going to be popular again next season.”

Across the Cotton Belt, Deltapine brand varieties accounted for 35.87 percent of the U.S. acreage, up from 32.60 percent in 2016, when they also led the nation in acreage planted.

In the Southeast, Deltapine was planted on 56.11 percent of the acres; in the Southwest, 22.52 percent; and in the Far West, 24.07 percent.

Gholston said the work done by Deltapine New Product Evaluators (NPE) to help the company launch proven, top-performing varieties over the last decade has contributed significantly to the popularity of Deltapine varieties in recent years.

NPE growers evaluate pre-commercial varieties to ensure that what’s commercialized for planting offers better yield potential, better fiber quality and improved technologies that help growers better manage pests and input costs.

“Since the Deltapine NPE Program began 10 years ago, each new class of Deltapine varieties has offered improved performance,” said Gholston. “The results of the latest U.S. Cotton Varieties Planted report from the USDA indicate the hard work and dedication that NPE growers put in each season are providing strong results for growers and the cotton industry. Thanks in large part to the NPE Program, growers know they can count on Deltapine varieties for proven performance.”

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