Zimbabwe Cotton Farmers Cry Foul After Being Paid In Groceries
Zimbabwe Cotton Farmers Cry Foul After Being Paid In Groceries

Zimbabwe Cotton Farmers Cry Foul After Being Paid In Groceries

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Cotton farmers in the country are crying foul and have threatened to stop growing cotton following the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco)’s decision to pay them through groceries. 

The farmers are alleging that the move was unilateral and that the company is forcing them to accept groceries that they do not want or need. The farmers are also accusing the company of reneging on an earlier agreement to pay them using United States dollars and local currency.

Noah Mashava, a young cotton farmer from Chinyamukwakwa, who spoke to The Manica Post said that he was shocked to receive a box of cooking oil as part of the payment for the cotton he delivered to Cottco.

“I wanted to get married this year after receiving my payment, but now I can’t. Where do I get the money to pay lobola? I appeal to the relevant authorities to address this issue urgently.

“I am contemplating switching to sesame because those who grew it are reaping good rewards,” said Mashava.

Another farmer Mrs Eness Khosa from Machona Village who has been growing cotton since 1998 called for a reasonable pricing system.

Source: iharare.com



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