Cotton Worldwide

Cotton Worldwide

February 20, 2021
Cotton industry rebounds as harvest starts on potential $1.5 billion crop, but China still not buying
Landline / by Matt BrannKey points:After the smallest crop in 40 years, Australia's cotton harvest is shaping up to be four times larger in 2021Cotton (...)
February 13, 2021
Global Markets: Cotton – India’s Minimum Support Price Program Remains Active
February 12, 2021
NCC: Cotton Demand Returning as U.S. and World Economies Rebound
February 12, 2021
From seed to feed
BY MICHAELE DUKE A loader digs into a mountain of snow. Wait, that isn’t snow; that’s actually three stories of cottonseeds. Most people know that Williamsburg (...)
February 11, 2021
Cotton:  Net sales of 275,400 RB for 2020/2021 were down 4 percent from the previous week and 10 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases primarily (...)
February 11, 2021
Breaking: NCC Survey Shows 11.5 Million U.S. Cotton Acres in 2021
February 10, 2021
Cotton Highlights from February WASDE Report
February 9, 2021
INDIA: Cotton shipments peak in first four months of season
Lower prices prompt exporters ship nearly 60% of the season’s projected shipments within four months
February 5, 2021
Kenya anticipates massive increase in crop production as GM, insect-resistant cotton distribution begins
Fredrick Obura  The [Kenyan] Ministry of Agriculture started the distribution of Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis) cotton seeds to farmers as it embarks on revamping the sector, (...)
February 5, 2021
Uzbekistan liberalizes the cotton market

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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