Cotton news

Cotton News

May 16, 2023
Cleveland: USDA Report Dampens Cotton Market’s Bearish Tone
By Dr. O.A. ClevelandCotton futures took the bearish view all week, losing the price gains from the prior week’s rally despite a friendlier than expected USDA (...)
May 16, 2023
Thompson on Cotton: Two Weeks of Gains Erased
May 16, 2023
USA: Crop Progress
May 15, 2023
MAMBO Market Report, May 15th 2023
Despite three weeks without publication, it is difficult to find a situation that has become clearer: - The war is in full swing in Ukraine with (...)
May 15, 2023
Επιµένει στο ίδιο εύρος τιµών χωρίς κατεύθυνση η αγορά βάµβακος
Οι τιµές δοκίµασαν ανεπιτυχώς να πιάσουν τα 85 σεντς και γύρισαν πίσω στα γνώριµα 80 σεντς.
May 14, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Sees Friendly Numbers Friday
May 14, 2023
REUTERS: Cotton jumps after USDA trims US output, ending stocks outlook
May 14, 2023
Cotton Highlights from May WASDE Report
USDA has released its May 2023 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. Here’s this month’s summary for cotton:For 2023/24, despite an expected 2.5-million-acre year-to-year (...)
May 14, 2023
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
Cotton Prices Finished the Week in the Lower End of Long-Term Trading Range
May 14, 2023
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