Cotton news

Cotton News

April 25, 2023
USA: Crop Progress
Released April 24, 2023, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 
April 23, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton 'Reins' in the Bear
April 23, 2023
Cleveland: Is Cotton’s Current Price Cap Stuck in the Mud?
April 23, 2023
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
Cotton Futures Fell Sharply to Lower End of Long-Term Trading Range
April 23, 2023
Can Earth Day Kick Off Climate Restoration By Fashion Industry?
CATHERINE SALFINO As Earth Day approaches this April 22, the fashion industry is once again faced with the part it plays in climate change. But instead (...)
April 21, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Bends Lower Thursday
April 21, 2023
Competing influences, expectations for world cotton demand
April 21, 2023
Cotton:  Net sales of 62,100 RB for 2022/2023 were down 57 percent from the previous week and 72 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases (...)
April 21, 2023
Europe's Better Cotton updates field-level Principles & Criteria
INSIGHTSCotton sustainability initiative Better Cotton has updated its Principles & Criteria to enhance sustainability impact at the field level.The revised P&C cover Management, Natural Resources, (...)
April 20, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Ends Markedly Lower Wednesday

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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