Cotton news

Cotton News

February 9, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Ends Moderately Lower Wednesday
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    The cotton market was moderately lower Wednesday amid some disappointment crop updates in February WASDE. Global stocks were (...)
February 9, 2023
Cotton Highlights from February WASDE Report
February 8, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Ends Sharply Up Tuesday
February 8, 2023
CCFGroup: Large Earthquake's impact on Turkey's textile industry
A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck in southeastern Turkey early Monday morning, and 33 large and medium-sized cities were located within 300 kilometers of the epicenter. (...)
February 7, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Down With the Balloon
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    The cotton market was sharply lower Monday as traders feared possible export reprisals from China over the downing (...)
February 7, 2023
Thompson on Cotton: Cotton Fundamentals Take Center Stage
February 7, 2023
MAMBO Market Report, February 06th 2023
February 7, 2023
Σκοντάφτει στα υψηλά το χρηµατιστήριο βάµβακος
Ξεπεράσαµε έστω για λίγο τα 88 σεντς ανά λίµπρα, σε µια προσπάθεια δοκιµής των υψηλών.
February 4, 2023
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Sinks With Outsides
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    The cotton market was materially lower Friday, as outside trading was significantly bearish. Crude oil, gold, silver and (...)
February 4, 2023
Cleveland: Cotton’s Great Expectations and Its Sobering Reality

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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