Cotton news

Cotton News

August 31, 2017
DTN Cotton Close: Climbs to New Rally High
Uncertainty about Harvey’s eventual crop impact underpinned the advance. Delta crop in storm’s path estimated at 4 million bales, largest since 2012. Certified planted acres (...)
August 31, 2017
Egypt Plans to Double Cotton Production, Revive ‘White Gold’ Industry
August 30, 2017
Η πορεία της ευρωπαϊκής βιομηχανίας ένδυσης - κλωστοϋφαντουργίας το α' τετράμηνο του 2017
August 30, 2017
DTN Cotton Close: Modest Gain After Hitting Rally High
Preliminary trade estimates put Texas cotton losses around 500,000 bales. Some growers likely face 100% loss and others the task of selling degraded cotton at (...)
August 30, 2017
Cotton nudges higher, as investors await estimates of Harvey damage
Cotton futures nudged higher, crossing back above 70 cents a pound, as investors awaited assessments of damage to the US crop from Hurricane Harvey, which (...)
August 30, 2017
Texas Cotton: Up to 400,000 Bales Affected by Hurricane Harvey
August 30, 2017
Harvey's floods scatter cattle in Texas, swamp cotton fields
August 30, 2017
‘It looks like a bomb went off’ on Texas Gulf Coast
The devastation to cropland and harvested crops would be bad in any year, McGinty acknowledges, but the loss is particularly painful this year. “A lot (...)
August 30, 2017
Could Harvey Lead to a Smaller Cotton Crop?
Texas is the largest cotton-producing state in the U.S. by a wide margin. During 2017, Texas is expected to produce 8.8 million bales of cotton, (...)
August 30, 2017
Turkmenistan adopts law on cotton-growing

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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