Cotton news

Cotton News

August 14, 2017
INDIA: Hopeful Telangana farmers take to cotton in a big way
B. Chandrashekhar Poor market price for alternative crops and favourable seasonal conditions have led to farmers cultivating cotton on a large scale this season. Extent (...)
August 14, 2017
Rising tide of accountability on the horizon for garment industry
August 14, 2017
TEXAS: Huge increase in acreage should pay off for cotton growers
August 14, 2017
DTN Cotton Close: Edges Higher in Most Contracts
By Duane Howell DTN Cotton Correspondent Skepticism that the U.S. crop can reach the 20.5 million bales off a record yield as estimated by USDA (...)
August 14, 2017
Cotton Finds Buyers After Sell-Off
By Julie Wernau Published August 11, 2017 Features Dow Jones Newswires The cotton market bounced higher Friday following Thursday's limit-down move based on unexpectedly high (...)
August 14, 2017
Cleveland on Cotton: Stunned by WASDE Report? It Ain’t Over Yet
August 14, 2017
Rose on Cotton: USDA Report Has High Expectations of U.S. Production – 20.5M Bales
August 14, 2017
COTTON SPIN: Surprises and remaining uncertainties for U.S. cotton
John Robinson The 2017 season has been an interesting ride. To review: U.S. cotton plantings were set to be 20 percent higher year-over-year. The pre-season (...)
August 14, 2017
The Cotton Market For Week Ending Friday August 11, 2017
The week ending Friday August 11 saw uneventful sideways pre-WASDE trading in the recently established 70.50 to 71.00 cent range.  Then a surprisingly large U.S. (...)
August 14, 2017
Global Markets: Cotton – Sales from China State Reserve Reach 10 Million Bales

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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