Cotton news

Cotton News

July 3, 2021
Cleveland: Cotton Market Remains Bullish, Not in Survival Mode
By Dr. O.A. ClevelandSpeculators hit cotton on the heels of the USDA Planted Acreage report with triple digit losses, only to see prices climb back (...)
July 3, 2021
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
July 3, 2021
ICAC: A Recovery Is Expected for Consumption and Trade in the 2021/22 Season
July 3, 2021
France probes fashion retailers for concealing 'crimes against humanity' in Xinjiang
PARIS, July 1 (Reuters) - French prosecutors have opened an investigation into four fashion retailers suspected of concealing "crimes against humanity" in China's Xinjiang region, (...)
July 3, 2021
CCFgroup: 2021 state cotton reserves sales to commence from July 5, 2021
In order to optimize reserved cotton structure and ensure the quality, China released the announcement about state cotton auction in 2021. The state cotton auction will (...)
July 1, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Sharply Lower as Acres Disappoint
July 1, 2021
Your Banker Probably Doesn’t Know This: Why Market Rallies are Difficult to Explain
June 30, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Edges Up Ahead of Data
By Keith Brown, DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst The cotton market was slightly higher Tuesday as hedgers and speculators continue to make their necessary adjustments ahead (...)
June 30, 2021
MAMBO Market Report, 29th June 2021
The market was again strong over the course of the week with December hitting a yearly high, eventually settling at 87.18 c/lb The US economy reported (...)
June 29, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Higher as we Edge Toward Report

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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