Cotton news

Cotton News

April 22, 2021
DTN Cotton Closing: Higher and Anticipating Exports
By Keith Brown, DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst With the old crop leading the way, the cotton market was sharply higher Wednesday. Both the May and July (...)
April 22, 2021
Prices Good, Drought Bad for Texas Cotton
April 22, 2021
Ο εκκοκκιστικός κλάδος αποχαιρετά τον Νίκο Καραγιώργο
April 22, 2021
Wrangler® Unveils Global Sustainability Platform: WeCare Wrangler
Τhe platform reaffirms the Wrangler brand’s commitment to sustainability and coincides with the launch of a new eco-friendly green jean offering
April 21, 2021
Cotton made in Africa partners with African Cotton Foundation
The Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) has announced that it will join forces with African Cotton Foundation (ACF) to promote socially and ecologically sustainable cotton (...)
April 21, 2021
DTN Cotton Closing: Chugging Sideways
April 21, 2021
Cotton Crisis Destroys Jobs Tied to Pakistan’s Biggest Cash Crop
April 20, 2021
Με «έξυπνο» ελληνικό βαμβάκι θα ράβει η Diesel τα t-shirts της
Τι γίνεται όταν μια ποιοτική πρώτη ύλη της πρωτογενούς παραγωγής, όπως το βαμβάκι, παντρεύεται με την τελευταία λέξη της τεχνολογίας, όπως το Internet of Things; (...)
April 20, 2021
Biotechnology Benefits
The Positive Environmental Impact of Cotton Biotechnology
April 20, 2021
DTN Cotton Closing: Ending Lower Monday

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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