Cotton news

Cotton News

November 23, 2020
Olam International acquires 51% stake in Togo's state-owned cotton company for $24.4 mil
Felicia Tan  Olam International has acquired a 51.0% interest in Togo’s state-owned cotton company, Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT or the JV), for a (...)
November 21, 2020
DTN Cotton Closing: Higher Push Maintained
November 21, 2020
Cleveland: Prices Holding, But Is the Market Scared to Move?
November 21, 2020
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
NOVEMBER 20, 2020MARCH FUTURES SETTLE UP FOR WEEK, MORE COVID VACCINE NEWSMore COVID-19 Vaccine Good NewsVietnam Largest U.S. Export BuyerCotton Harvest Pace Ahead of Last (...)
November 21, 2020
The Cotton Row Journal, week of 16-20 Nov
Spreads vs FuturesThe leading Dec/Mar spread dropped to -250, right at 88% of full carry.  That should do it.  The build in certs pushed this (...)
November 20, 2020
Shurley on Cotton: Market Flat, Awaits Next Event
November 20, 2020
DTN Cotton Closing: Higher by a Fraction
November 19, 2020
Cotton:  Net sales of 131,400 RB for 2020/2021 were down 45 percent from the previous week and 40 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases primarily (...)
November 19, 2020
Κρατιέται το βαµβάκι παρά την πτωτική έκθεση του USDA
Η πρόσφατη έκθεση προσφοράς/ζήτησης βάµβακος του αµερικανικού υπουργείου γεωργίας USDA χαρακτηρίστηκε ως πτωτική για τις τιµές, καθώς ενώ οι αναλυτές περίµεναν µείωση της παραγωγής στις (...)
November 19, 2020
DTN Cotton Closing: Market Edging Higher

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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