July 18, 2020
Indian cotton spinning sector to dip 25-30% in FY21: ICRA
The Indian cotton spinning sector is expected to log a 25-30 per cent year-on-year decline in revenue and a 300-400 bps contraction in operating margin (...)
July 17, 2020
DTN Cotton Closing: Cotton Closes Higher
July 16, 2020
Consumer Demand for Sustainable Action Has Grown During COVID-19
July 16, 2020
Cotton: Net sales reductions of 17,500 RB for 2019/2020 were down noticeably from the previous week and from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for Vietnam (...)
July 16, 2020
Λύσεις με συστήματα ψηφιακής γεωργίας από τη συνεργασία Κ&Ν Ευθυμιάδης και AgroApps
Η Κ&Ν Ευθυμιάδης ανακοινώνει τη νέα τεχνολογική συνεργασία της με την AgroApps και εισέρχεται δυναμικά στο χώρο της ψηφιακής γεωργίας, προσφέροντας ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις που βελτιώνουν τις γεωργικές πρακτικές και προωθούν βιώσιμα συστήματα παραγωγής τροφίμων με μειωμένες περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις.
July 16, 2020
DTN Cotton Closing: Cotton Lower on Corrective Selling
July 16, 2020
Liu on Cotton: Market Forecast Remains Cloudy
July 16, 2020
Brands and Retailers Can Now Join the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol to Aid Confident Sourcing
Effective July 15, brands and retailers can join the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, a new system for responsibly grown cotton that will provide annual data for (...)
July 16, 2020
Impact of waterlog on Chinese cotton market
The impact of excessive rainfall and floods in the China's inland areas on cotton production:Hubei Province: some cotton fields are flooded, especially in Qianjiang and (...)
July 16, 2020
Transformers Catalysts: Denim Experts Champion Traceable Cotton