Cotton news

Cotton News

November 11, 2019
Πουληµένη ήδη η µισή παραγωγή βάµβακος
Το χρηµατιστήριο εξακολουθεί να κινείται στους ρυθµούς των αµερικανικών - κινεζικών διαπραγµατεύσεων
November 11, 2019
Uzbekistan looks to soften image of notorious cotton sector
November 11, 2019
INDIA: Cotton exporters hope to resume trade with Pakistan
November 9, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Higher on USDA Data
By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market finished higher Friday amid improved supply-demand numbers. USDA issued its latest data and it showed declining production (...)
November 9, 2019
Cleveland on Cotton: 70 Cents Within Sight?
By O.A. Cleveland, Consulting Economist, Cotton Experts USDA killed the Bear this week. USDA did not even provide an opportunity for hibernation. It was an outright (...)
November 9, 2019
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
November 9, 2019
Cotton Highlights from November WASDE Report
November 9, 2019
COTTON SPIN: How would a U.S.-China tariff resolution affect cotton prices?
One quarter into the marketing year, the U.S. has already made 60% of its export commitments.
November 9, 2019
Global Markets: Cotton – Global Stocks Boom Since May’s Initial Forecast
From USDA Dampened global cotton consumption and higher carryin have driven the 2019/20 forecast for global ending stocks higher compared with the initial May forecast. World (...)
November 8, 2019
INDIA: Cotton output for 2019-20 projected at 354.5 lakh bales

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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