Cotton news

Cotton News

July 2, 2019
Shurley on Cotton: 2019 Acreage, Production Will Remain a Mystery
By Don Shurley, University of Georgia Cotton Economist Last season, US farmers planted 14.1 million acres of cotton. Back in March, USDA’s Prospective Plantings report (...)
July 2, 2019
USA: Crop Progress
July 2, 2019
Προς σταθερότηρα οδεύει το βαµβάκι
July 2, 2019
Argentina approves fifth GMO cotton variety in effort to boost crop yields, spare natural resources
Argentina’s Minister of AgroIndustry Luis Miguel Etechevehere and Christian Monty, Head of Global Cotton from BASF have announced the release of a new GMO trait  (...)
July 1, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Mixed on Neutral Data
By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market finished with mixed results after Friday’s USDA’s planting acres report revealed neutral numbers. The 2019 all (...)
July 1, 2019
USDA Acreage Report: 3% Drop in 2019 Planted Cotton Acres
July 1, 2019
Cleveland: Don’t Panic as Market Muddles
July 1, 2019
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
JUNE 28, 2019 REPORTS RELEASED, FUTURES FINISHED THE WEEK UP Crop Progress and Conditions a Mixed Bag Across U.S. USDA Acreage Report Puts Cotton Planted (...)
July 1, 2019
India: Cotton and Products Update
Attaché Reports (GAIN) FAS Post estimates India’s marketing year (MY) 2019/20 cotton production at 29.3 million 480 lb. bales (37.5 million 170-kilogram bales/6.4 MMT) with (...)
July 1, 2019
First Bale of Cotton for 2019 Delivered in South Texas

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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