Cotton news

Cotton News

May 9, 2019
Shurley: Market Thoughts Ahead of the May Report
By Dr. Don Shurley USDA will release its May crop production and supply and demand estimates on Friday, May 10. In May, the final yield/production (...)
May 9, 2019
Σπάει το φράγμα του μισού εκατομμυρίου στρεμμάτων βαμβακοκαλλιέργειας η Καρδίτσα
May 9, 2019
Καθυστερεί το φύτρωμα βαμβακιού λόγω θερμοκρασιών στη Θεσσαλία
May 9, 2019
Ευφυής γεωργία: η νέα αγροτική επανάσταση
Της Βούλας Αγραφιώτη* Η μέρα που ο αγρότης θα λαμβάνει πληροφορίες στο κινητό του για το αν η καλλιέργειά του χρειάζεται πότισμα, λίπασμα, ή ψεκασμό, (...)
May 8, 2019
ICE cotton futures extend falls on trade talk woes
May 7 (Reuters) - ICE cotton futures extended losses on Tuesday as the United States and China appeared far from reaching a truce on their (...)
May 8, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Market Recovery Fails
May 8, 2019
Thompson On Cotton: Don’t Wait For 80 Cents
May 8, 2019
Cotton Outlook: April 2019 Market Summary
International cotton prices fluctuated within a few cents during April, at the high end of the range that has been in evidence since prices broke (...)
May 8, 2019
U.S. Cotton Production Expected to Reach Highest in 14 Years
By Shruti Singh and Dominic Carey Analysts on average forecast 21.8 million bales in 2019-2020 Cotton may attract acres due to prices, wet weather: Texas (...)
May 8, 2019
India's cotton imports could surge to record high as output plunges-trade body

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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