Cotton news

Cotton News

March 21, 2019
Cotton gaining momentum after consistent fall
Demand picture has not been so attractive for cotton this season and thus one of the reasons for the fall in prices since October 2018. (...)
March 21, 2019
Κόντρα σε μια τίμια συμφωνία για την υγρασία στο βαμβάκι Διεπαγγελματική και Μάρκου
March 21, 2019
Ποιότητα βαμβακιού και τιμές
March 20, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Higher, Pushed By Technicals
By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market finished higher Tuesday as speculators following the lead of several popular technical indicators. Moving averages, stochastics, (...)
March 20, 2019
"Η ευφυής γεωργία δείχνει το δρόμο"
Το Editorial του Greek Fashion αναφέρεται στο πρόγραμμα μας Το Editorial του Greek Fashion, του περιοδικού του Συνδέσμου Εταιρειών Πλεκτικής και Ετοίμου Ενδύματος. Αναφέρεται στην (...)
March 20, 2019
Κάθε πλατφόρμα σύσπορου και διαφορετικό τιμολόγιο
March 19, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Holds Higher on Low Volume
March 19, 2019
China's VAT cut influences on cotton market
Following the conclusion of the annual Parliament meeting on Mar 15, Premier Li Keqiang said in a post-event news conference China would be cutting value-added (...)
March 19, 2019
USA: Cotton Acres to Climb in Northern Texas Panhandle
By Kay Ledbetter Cotton acreage has almost tripled in the last five years in the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service District 1, which covers the (...)
March 19, 2019
PAKISTAN: Cotton production falls 7pc

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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