Cotton news

Cotton News

September 28, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Lower on Dollar Strength, Technical Selling
December traded sharply lower Thursday as speculators abandoned long positions against dollar strength. In addition to Wednesday’s interest rate increase by the Federal Reserve, the (...)
September 28, 2018
Rain Stalls Potentially Record Arkansas Cotton Harvest
September 28, 2018
INDIA: Cotton output may crimp textile industry
September 28, 2018
Zimbabwe's cotton production highest in 5 years
MENAFN) Zimbabwe's cotton production in the 2018 marketing season has increased by 76 percent year-on-year to 130,000 tons, from 70,000 tons in 2017, owing to (...)
September 27, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Lower on Lack of Follow-Through
December cotton retreated Wednesday as disappointed speculators and some hedge selling above 7900 bent prices down. Speculators were turned off when the market, failing to (...)
September 27, 2018
Ν. Κουρκούτας: Οι Μηχανές Στρίπερ υποβαθμίζουν την ποιότητα βαμβακιού
September 27, 2018
AUSTRALIA: Limited southern NSW water trims cotton area as fifth gin proposed
September 27, 2018
Φώτης Χατζηπαπαδόπουλος: Η ευφυής γεωργία είναι το πιο αποτελεσματικό και γρήγορο εργαλείο σύγκλισης
Δεν δίνει απλώς προοπτική για τα αγροτικά νοικοκυριά ή για την ανάπτυξη της δραστηριότητα της περιφέρειας, αλλά αποτελεί και εθνικό στόχο Υπερήφανος για τους επιστήμονες (...)
September 26, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Seesaws Higher in Quiet Trade
Tuesday was December’s cotton turn to closed higher in a trade mark by few positive fundamentals, poor technicals and low volume. In fact, once again, (...)
September 26, 2018
Louis Dreyfus CEO, finance chief quit in latest shake-up

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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