Cotton news

Cotton News

January 17, 2024
COTTON SPIN: Price outlook uncertain
Will El Niño provide much-needed moisture this winter? What impact will upcoming cotton planting and milestone reports have on prices?
January 16, 2024
Βελτίωση της ζήτησης παρά τα προβλήµατα µε τις µεταφορές
January 15, 2024
Cleveland: Cotton Prices Appear Range Bound Once More
January 15, 2024
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
March Futures Finished with Strong Gains After Trading Sideways Most of the Week
January 15, 2024
Cotton Highlights from January 2024 WASDE Report
USDA has released its January 2024 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. Here’s this month’s summary for cotton:This month’s U.S. 2023/24 cotton forecasts include (...)
January 13, 2024
ICE cotton dips after USDA projects lower world demand
January 12, 2024
REUTERS: US cotton scales one-month peak on strong exports trend
January 12, 2024
Uzbekistan: US-backed project aims to eliminate forced labour in Uzbek cotton supply chain
A two-year memorandum of cooperation has been signed by global stakeholders to improve working conditions and eradicate forced labour in Uzbekistan's cotton and textile production.
January 12, 2024
Cotton:  Net sales of 262,500 RB for 2023/2024 were up noticeably from the previous week and up 49 percent from the prior 4-week average. Increases (...)
January 11, 2024
Πάγωµα εµπορίου λόγω προβληµάτων στη διώρυγα του Σουέζ

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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