Cotton news

Cotton News

August 23, 2018
Sudan: Contract farming benefits cotton growers
Sudan is known for quality cotton, with a history of hundreds of years. The cotton industry in this African country, however, has not always been (...)
August 23, 2018
Global precision agriculture market to hit 10.55 bln USD by 2025
August 22, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Market Consolidates Gains, Awaits Talks
August 22, 2018
Fashion for Good to open sustainable fashion museum
BRETT MATHEWS AMSTERDAM – Fashion for Good will open a museum in October which explores issues around sustainable fashion. Open seven days a week, the (...)
August 22, 2018
ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ: Άλλο ένα έτος υψηλής κερδοφορίας για το βαμβάκι
Οι βαμβακοκαλλιεργητές που συμμετέχουν σε ένα πρόγραμμα συγκριτικής αξιολόγησης του κλάδου εμφάνισαν μέσο καθαρό κέρδος για το 2018, ύψους 251,6 δολαρίων Αυστραλίας ανά στρέμμα, που (...)
August 22, 2018
Another high profitability year for cotton
August 21, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Higher on Hopeful Trade Talks
August 21, 2018
USA: Crop Progress
Released August 20, 2018, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Cotton Setting Bolls - Selected (...)
August 21, 2018
Cotton market down but not out
Growers may want to take advantage of pre-harvest rallies The August World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report turned out to be a surprise (...)
August 21, 2018
Pest attack, scanty rains to dent India cotton exports: trade body head

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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