Tag: Burkina Faso

Tag: Burkina Faso

May 10, 2019
What Kenya can learn from Burkina Faso’s cotton production dip
During a dialogue on biotech crops and the Big Four agenda at the University of Nairobi On April 24, critics of biotechnology misrepresented the facts (...)
December 11, 2017
How Monsanto’s GM cotton sowed trouble in Africa
October 17, 2018
Senegal: Cotton and Products Update
February 28, 2018
GM cotton's return to Burkina Faso on hold over Bayer-Monsanto deal
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Talks with Bayer to reintroduce genetically modified (GM) cotton in Burkina Faso are on hold pending the German drug and crop chemicals (...)
December 20, 2017
ITFC supports Burkina Faso’s cotton sector with a EUR 107 million financing
The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, signed a EUR 107 million Murabahah financing agreement to (...)
October 4, 2018
Roundtable highlights Burkina Faso’s organic cotton potential
October 1, 2022
Burkina Faso's MY 2022-23 cotton production may rise by 16%: USDA
May 19, 2024
Burkina Faso aims to boost cotton production to nearly 600,000 tons in 2024-25 season
(Ecofin Agency) - Burkina Faso, alongside Mali and Benin, is a key player in West Africa's cotton production. Following a lukewarm 2023/2024 season, authorities are (...)

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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