Tag: GMO

Tag: GMO

September 25, 2018
GMO cotton prompts dramatic drop in China’s pesticide use
BY MARK LYNAS China has experienced large and sustained reductions in pesticide use as a result of adopting GMO cotton, according to the largest-ever scientific (...)
November 1, 2018
Kenyan farmers to grow Bt cotton commercially starting Apr
December 11, 2017
How Monsanto’s GM cotton sowed trouble in Africa
August 2, 2018
Ethiopia's Bt cotton move challenges rival Kenya
Ethiopia’s decision to start production of high-yielding genetically-modified (GM) cotton has thrown a challenge to rivals such as Kenya and Madagascar that are banking on (...)
June 20, 2018
Ethiopia Approves Biotech Cotton
In May, the Ethiopian Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MEFCC) approved two Bt cotton hybrids (JKCH1050 and JKCH1947) for cultivation. This regulatory decision (...)
July 19, 2018
Israel’s Evogene to develop insect-resistant cotton with Brazilian seed-grower
March 7, 2018
Union minister says cotton production nearly doubled since Bt Cotton's introduction in 2002
March 12, 2018
INDIA: cotton production nearly doubled since Bt Cotton's introduction in 2002
Union minister says cotton production nearly doubled since Bt Cotton's introduction in 2002; facts show yields have stagnated By Rohit Parakh "Since the introduction of (...)
March 13, 2018
Monsanto Accused of Causing Loss to Cotton Farmers in India
Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), a fringe group which has considerable political clout, has accused Monsanto of fooling Indian farmers by making false claims about the (...)
July 24, 2019
Kenya field trial shows Bt cotton boosts yields four-fold

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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