Tag: Gossypol

Tag: Gossypol

August 19, 2019
Can cottonseed oil mills meet increased demand?
Use markets for cottonseed diverse/complex Brad Robb Cotton gins and cottonseed oil mills both want the same thing — uniform and good-quality seed. John Fricke, (...)
August 10, 2018
Cottonseed size and development paramount for ginners
November 13, 2018
Ultra-low gossypol seed long time coming, long road ahead
November 27, 2018
Cotton Seeds May Soon Become a Game-Changing New Source of Food and Income
By Ryan Morris After nearly two decades of research, this doctor has finally been given the go-ahead to start turning thousands of pounds of biowaste (...)
April 2, 2019
Gossypol no longer a limiting factor to potential cottonseed markets
Research to hopefully open markets for cottonseed Brad Robb The U.S. produced slightly under 21 million bales of cotton in the 2018 crop year. Tom (...)
October 17, 2018
USDA Gives Rare Approval to Texas A&M Scientist to Pursue New Discovery To Feed Millions, Boost Cotton Farmers’ Earnings
February 6, 2018
Could ultra-low gossypol cottonseed make a big market impact?
January 23, 2018
USDA-APHIS Reviewing Research for Ultra-Low Gossypol Cottonseed
Posted By: Jim Steadman Cotton Incorporated-funded research into the suppression of gossypol in cottonseed is being reviewed by USDA-APHIS for a determination of non-regulated status (...)
July 27, 2018
Ginners want companies’ help with cottonseed traits
Commercialization of gossypol-free cottonseed and the need for cotton varieties with larger seeds are issues of concern to Mid-South cotton ginners. Hembree Brandon Cotton growers (...)
January 8, 2019
Texas Cotton Researchers Boost Plants’ Natural Defenses

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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